Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6: Hope in God's Love

Psalm 147:1-6

Alleluia! How good it is to praise our God!
How pleasant and how fitting to sing God’s praise!
YHWH rebuilds Jerusalem, and gathers Israel’s exiles.
God heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.
God knows the number of the stars and calls each one by name.
Great is YHWH, and mighty in power; there is no limit to God’s wisdom.
YHWH lifts up the oppressed, and casts the corrupt to the ground.

Sing to our God with thanksgiving; sing praise with the harp to our God –
Who covers the heavens with clouds, who provides rain for the earth,
Who makes grass sprout on the mountains and herbs for the service of the people,
Who gives food to the cattle, and to the young ravens when they cry.
God does not thrill to the strength of the horse, or revel in the fleetness of humans.
YHWH delights in those who worship with reverence
and put their hope in divine love.

God emphasizes that all things come from God who is the source of life. God has the type of love that we can rely on, and that we can put our hope in.

This love is one that rebuilds us when we’ve fallen down.
This love gathers us in when we have been sent away.
This love heals us, and cares for the wounds of our hearts.
This love is such that it knows the unimaginable number of stars, and knows them individually.
This is a love that lifts up those that society oppresses, and takes the power from the corrupt.

We are loved by our artistic Creator, our provider, and our source of nourishment.
And God delights when we realize that God is the source of all life, and of our lives. God is the truest lover of each of us.
May we have hope, may we have courage,
as we are loved into fullness by the Divine Love.


  1. We had a music teacher from down the street come into our shop yesterday, her first time. She loved the place and we chatted for a while. She's trying to figure out how to carry her harp on the days she rides her bicycle. She said she had an idea for a way she could strap it to her back. Can you imagine seeing an angel with a harp riding her bicycle down the street? I can! I give thanks to God for all the angels, with our without harps, who show up in our midst.

    1. I love the image of an angel, with a harp, riding her bike around the world.
      what a delightful world we live in!
