Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25: Look up!

by Kathy Merkle-Raymond

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
2  My help comes from God, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3  God will not let your foot slip—the One who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, the One who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5  God watches over you and is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7  God will keep you from all harm, will watch over your life;
God will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121 is a pilgrim song that reminds us of God’s promises as we travel through this journey called life. These verses beckon -- All creatures on Earth, look up and give thanks for your Maker’s steadfast love and constant presence! Indeed, our Creator is not confined to any place, any time or any life encounter. God is with us always.  

Verses 7-8: “God will keep you from all harm… watch over your life… your comings and your goings, forever”. In other words, God has your back!  And mine!  As sojourners who hunger for meaning, we process each day’s adventures and mishaps with the quiet assurance of God’s grace.  And we look up, confident that God holds us and empowers us to see and taste the world around us – if we are open, if we are willing.

I wonder where we will glimpse God this Holy week?  When we look up with open hearts, what might we hear? How will we share God’s loving presence with others?
God, open our minds and hearts so that we may trust you, to know that we “can be lost and, yet, not afraid”, because you are with us.  Let us see you in each other’s faces, recognizing that we are all a part of your amazing creation. Remind us to look up and embrace all people as your blessed children.  Give us courage to dance, laugh and engage with others.  – Amen

The World As Should Be                                          Music by Garry Schyman;   Lyrics by Alicia Lemke and Matt Harding

“As the sun will rise, I’ll remember we are all glowing embers of a distant fire,
Remember we’re lost together, remember we’re the same”

If all the days that come to pass
Are behind these walls,
I’ll be left at the end of things
In a world kept small;
Travel far from what I know
I’ll be swept away
I need to know
I can be lost and not afraid.
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light;
Remember we’re lost together
Remember we’re the same
We hold the burning rhythm in our hearts;
I'll find my way home
On the Western wind
To a place that was once my world,
Back from where I’ve been;
And in the morning light I’ll remember
As the sun will rise
We are all the glowing embers
Of a distant fire.
We’re gonna trip the light
We’re gonna break the night
And we’ll see with new eyes
When we trip the light;
Come on and trip the light

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