Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 19: Breathing in Lent (Psalm 34)

by Abby Mohaupt

Psalm 34:8

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
     blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.

Whenever I read this verse from the Psalms, this is the song that I immediately hear:


And it's specifically this line from the song that I remember:

I will bless the Lord at all times. Praise shall always be on my lips; my soul shall glory in the Lord for God has been so good to me.
Lent has often been shared with me as a sad time, a time of repentance and a time of giving up, a time of recognizing our shortcomings and a time of focusing on what is wrong with ourselves and with our world.

It's good to work on being more fully who God intends us to be, recognizing that there is more goodness to come. We have lots of shortcomings and fears.  But it is difficult for me to focus solely on repentance when I realize that God has been really good to me (to us) and that our lives are full of goodness. We must hold our repentance in tension with our thanks giving. 

So today, I'm working through this breath prayer from the Young Clergy Women Project, trusting that every breath is an opportunity to be open to grace and life. I invite you to join me.

 God of all creation, you formed us from the dust and breathed life into us. Our breath is your breath. Your spirit moves within us and gives us life.
Too often we hold our breath, we are so focused on the immediate. Too often we feel choked by the tasks crying out for our attention.
Remind us, Creator, that we are yours, that every breath comes from you, that you sustain us and nourish us from the same earth which you used to form us, and to which we will one day return.
Remind us, Eternal Spirit, how to breathe. Fill us deeply with your powerful presence, open our mouths to inhale your goodness and your grace.
Remind us, O Redeemer, that you have set us free from everything that separates us from you. As we pause now to pray with each breath, help us to let go.

Breathe in the breath of life.
Breathe out, releasing your sins to God’s grace 
Breathe in the breath of life. 
Breathe out, releasing the assumptions that blind us to God’s truth 
Breathe in the breath of life. 
Breathe out, releasing the desire to consume things that cannot fill you. 
Breathe in the breath of life. 
Breathe out, releasing yourself from the power of false idols 
Breathe in the breath of life. 
Breathe out, releasing the fears that lead you to doubt yourself and God 
Breathe in the breath of life. 
Breathe out, releasing your need for control. 
Breathe in the breath of life. 
Breathe out, and let go of all that separates you from God. Amen.

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